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Howdy, ! It's almost that time of year. The weather keeps fluttering into warmer temps, but I'm looking forward to the blanket of snow, the quiet trails, and the wonder of photography through it all.

I had a great weekend out hiking and shooting, but I'm still waiting for my scanning light to be serviced to scan in stuff from the last couple weeks. For now, I hope all the and homies enjoy this vertical 6x17 shot of a bolete nestled in the woods!

Howdy ! Name's Devan. I'm currently working on a year long project photographing in black and white along a single trail at Patapsco Valley State Park in Maryland with various film cameras.

I've been learning about along the way and hope to produce a book or zine at the end of this showcasing all the weird and wonderful mushrooms I've found!

One More Stop

an international collective of photographers