The camera got a little update with the 2bit Toy Camera+ shell and a 5-50mm (50-500mm on the gameboy camera) lens! Close focus is such a dream with this setup and should help with the .

Took some time this morning to chill out with some coffee and mess with my custom frame. I decided to scrap adding any branding and opted for the repeating pattern instead. Overall, I think it's cute and quirky!

What do you think? Any suggestions on how I can improve it?

Working on a lil border for my IG accounts Gameboy camera shots. I'm not great at pixel art but I'm enjoying where this is heading.

So I've recently swapped back to digital photography, after experiencing burnout with my film camera setup. I present to you, the sub-1 megapixel beauty, the Gameboy Camera!

I'll mainly be photographing mushrooms with the setup, but I also intend to use it for day-to-day "journaling".

Enjoy the inaugural mushroom and a CD cover handmade by Video Dave that I hand colored.

Had a great looking for . Sadly I couldn't manage a good composition with the gear I had with me, but I couldn't pass up at least a phone snap of this , , trifecta!

I had a great weekend out hiking and shooting, but I'm still waiting for my scanning light to be serviced to scan in stuff from the last couple weeks. For now, I hope all the and homies enjoy this vertical 6x17 shot of a bolete nestled in the woods!

Howdy ! Name's Devan. I'm currently working on a year long project photographing in black and white along a single trail at Patapsco Valley State Park in Maryland with various film cameras.

I've been learning about along the way and hope to produce a book or zine at the end of this showcasing all the weird and wonderful mushrooms I've found!

One More Stop

an international collective of photographers