Two recent photobooks i made. Finding Each Other in the Ring is about matches and Things About to Happen is a collection of from

Gonna post some near-misses with slide film today! Film is finicky and difficult sometimes and it's okay if we don't always get it spot-on. CW eye contact.

1. Veiling flare from shooting toward the sun. The light through the trees was *chef's kiss*, but I needed a lens shade.

2. Almost! The scene just had too much dynamic range, creating harsh shadows. More even light or fill flash would have helped.

Some oldies from 2017. Looking back, it was an important year for my development as a photographer -- I gained more confidence, I learned more about the technical side of things, and I got into developing my own film.

a few 4x5 portraits from the Jazz Age Lawn Party several years back. plenty of tilt for you depth-of-field fans. these were strangers, so I had to work pretty fast!

cw eye contact

Some NYC street panoramas with a Horizon U500. I love a super-wide negative for its ability to catch an style range of people in a scene, or just some extra context that is usually out of frame.

eye contact 

A couple of black and white portraits, one on 4x5 Fomapan 100 and the other on 6x9 FP4+.


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