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NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted

A cute little church nestled among a few houses and trees with Mt. Baker rising in the background made for a nice sunset image. You never know what you find when driving around on back roads

"Fir Conway Church and Mt Baker Sunset"

#ayearforart #Buyintoart #Springforart #WashingtonStateBeauty #PacificNorthwest #photography #MastoArt #landscapephotography

NimbleDave boosted

An absolutely gobsmacking image of the Sun shot in the "hydrogen-alpha band of the visible spectrum", which reveals an unbelievable amount of texture & features, including a solar tornado that's 14 Earths tall.

NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted

Looks like Rollei is gonna lunch a digital TLR. I hope they know what they’re doing (aside from renting the brand name to others) and that they remember that you can flip a screen on many, many digital cameras. #believeinfilm #photography

NimbleDave boosted

A Year on Dartmoor - October

Dartmoor starts to put on its winter clothing. It can be cold, and the rivers and rain are noticeably colder. But the light is fantastic, the wind blows and batters you, and it's one of the best times to be on the Moor.

#ominousperfection #Dartmoor #MastoArt #photography #fotographie #landscape

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NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted

Tuntematon, kuvausaika 1896: Pyöräilijöitä puistossa (Kaupunginmuseo)

NimbleDave boosted

Ahola, Harri, kuvausaika 1981 jälkeen: Helsingin päärautatieasema Kaivokadun suunnasta, Kaivokatu 1 (Kaupunginmuseo)

NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
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