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NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted

A collection of recent photos taken from the International Space Station. I will never get tired of looking at photos of Earth taken from space.

NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted


Another shot from Fort Monmouth. Contax IIIa, Ansco Supreme (expired 1957), HC-110 1:90 for 18 minutes.


NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted

Photos of houses completely buried by snow in Mammoth Lakes, CA. If you haven't been following, more than 65 feet of snow has fallen in the area this winter.

NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted

I doubt I'll ever get tired of the skyline poking through the natural landscape and finding beauty in each and their contrast.

#MonochromeMonday #skyline #Chicago #BlackAndWhite #winter #photography #nature #BlackAndWhitePhotography

NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
NimbleDave boosted
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