Winter is seemingly over so I can come back out of hibernation! Just got my rad AF Nanopano half frame medium format camera over the weekend. Took it out for a spin today, and managed to find a rabbit along my walk that didn’t immediately dart away. Felt really good shooting with it. I hope to have the results next weekend!

@devanopolis Sooo...This is a DIY camera?? 3D printed? 🤔 I am really interested in the outcome 😋

@digga_mies The camera came preassembled, but for all intents and purposes it is a DIY camera since most of his projects (and this one eventually) can be downloaded and printed at home. Max is a camera designer for several other 3D printed cameras and accessories. If you’d like to learn more about his projects, check out his website! He’s such a gift to both the film photography and 3d printing communities.

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